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Meet our 23rd Annual Conference
Instructors & Speakers

Click on headshots for bios. (Missing Bios Coming Soon)

Elaine F Marshall

Elaine F. Marshall

The Honorable Secretary of State 
N.C. Department Secretary of State

Ozie Stallworth

Ozie H. Stallworth

Director of Notary Enforcement and Electronic Notarization
N.C. Department Secretary of State

Lynne Johnson

Lynne Johnson

The Honorable Register of Deeds
Forsyth County

Belinda B. Bennett

Belinda B. Bennett

Owner and Notary Coach
N.C. Notary Education Program

Karen Gordon

Karen Gordon

Notary and eNotary Instructor
Forsyth Tech Community College 

Dorcas Brown

Dorcas Brown

Fulton Brown & Co.

Judi Lawrence

Judi Lawrence


Lawrence Institute for Notaries

S Kory Flowers

S. Kory Flowers

Captain, Greensboro Police Dept.
City of Greensboro

Joyce Leak

Joyce Leak

Dover InnerCity Notary, LLC

Tina Jones-Howard

Tina Jones-Howard

TLH Notary & Apostille Services

Joe Orenstein

Joseph D. Orenstein

Managing Attorney

Joy Lewis

Joy Lewis

JLewis Notary & Apostille Services

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